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Розробник: Kuddo Inc.

Are you sick of being on the sigma grind set where your pain is constant and sharp?
Are you weary of AI girlfriends who say “You look lonely. I can fix you.” to 3 million other people?
Are you tired of saying “ME FR” every time you see Ryan Gosling in Drive?
Are you done with crawling in the trenches of dating apps that throw you into the dark dung nest of depression?

I know you are because I am.
Hi, I’m Wenyi, and I’m a recovered sigmaTM. Our team built Kuddo to solve the loneliness epidemic for obvious reasons. But to be clear, loneliness itself is not the problem; it is merely a manifestation of the underlying problem that is empathy erosion. Our society is in a massive empathy deficit because we’re constantly bombarded with massive streams of information on the grotesque state of the world, and we acquired a sense of learned helplessness in feeling that we don’t have the agency to do anything about it. To spare the pain that feels meaningless, we’ve collectively opted out of empathy.

But empathy is how we survive as a species. Mammal infants signal their need for caretaking to their parents through actions like crying, and in order to receive essential caretaking, their parents need to empathize with them. We’ve lost touch with something that’s fundamental to our existence and evolution because we’ve been victims of apathetic consumption. Kuddo is here to fix that.

Built upon psychological intervention models for empathy-building, Kuddo offers a sanctuary for empathy-based social therapy. We match you into small, anonymous groups of people who get what it’s like to be you, and everyone takes turns to have the stage in the group.

Foundation of shared experiences through psychological-profiling questionnaire
Small, private, anonymous groups
Create-to-consume models
Guaranteed responses from your group
24-hour rounds (timed consumption)
Explore page (Piazza) for inspiration
And more.

Come Join the Kuddo!!! We can’t wait to have you. :)